This journey was easy and I have ended up where I started: home. As the miles tallied up, I realize that I am a lousy travel blogger. I'm not tied to the keyboard but to the road and the experiences the journey has to offer. It always takes a while for my expeditions to sink into my bones and circulate through my system to finally come out in written words--meandering their way to my fingers as I meander down the road. This time, I have been gone over a month and a half. My local friends say it felt like forever. For me, it's never quite long enough because once I'm home, it's like a sweet dream. 'Did I really do it'?'
my own little abode on wheels. We traveled so smoothly together that I know that we have future trips together in store. I have gathered a handful of acquaintances from that enchanted Quartzsite Fiberglass rally in February which have now evolved into blossoming friendships. Many good things have come from that rally which has been a pivotal transformation for the strengthening of my spirit.
Nebraska just west of Lincoln to meet with a friend and celebrate Independence Day in (what I was told and now know it to be true) the 4th of July capital of Nebraska! Up until my arrival in Nebraska, I had not experienced summer. I had not had one hot day. Remember I told you that I had to layer up clothing in Grand Marais, Minnesota? So upon my arrival I took a dip in the town's beautiful, cool swimming pool on a hot June summer day.

The two weeks I was in this town I could feel a slow crescendo building that let me know that something big was going to happen. Everyone asked, "You're staying for the 4th, right?" I must not forget that I did indeed eat at Runza, which was the answer to the second most asked question while I was visiting.

My Casita, my Tara performed outstandingly. I like ending the day and entering my little home away from home. Life is good. Wow! I drove 5701.4 miles! But who's counting.