Sunday, July 10, 2016

5,701.4 Miles--but who's counting

Traveling is truly magical. It's magical how you can walk or roll into new environments, new ecosystems and sustain old friendships, solidify forming friendships, attain new friendships. It's amazing the strength that can be gathered from these transforming experiences however easy or arduous the journey.

This journey was easy and I have ended up where I started: home. As the miles tallied up, I realize that I am a lousy travel blogger. I'm not tied to the keyboard but to the road and the experiences the journey has to offer. It always takes a while for my expeditions to sink into my bones and circulate through my system to finally come out in written words--meandering their way to my fingers as I meander down the road. This time, I have been gone over a month and a half. My local friends say it felt like forever. For me, it's never quite long enough because once I'm home, it's like a sweet dream. 'Did I really do it'?'

After last I wrote, I traveled one more day with Caroline and Imo, following their Casita while I toted
my own little abode on wheels. We traveled so smoothly together that I know that we have future trips together in store. I have gathered a handful of acquaintances from that enchanted Quartzsite Fiberglass rally in February which have now evolved into blossoming friendships. Many good things have come from that rally which has been a pivotal transformation for the strengthening of my spirit.

When I departed from Imo and Caroline to continue my journey on my own, I headed west to the little town of Seward,
Nebraska just west of Lincoln to meet with a friend and celebrate Independence Day in (what I was told and now know it to be true) the 4th of July capital of Nebraska! Up until my arrival in Nebraska, I had not experienced summer. I had not had one hot day. Remember I told you that I had to layer up clothing in Grand Marais, Minnesota? So upon my arrival I took a dip in the town's beautiful, cool swimming pool on a hot June summer day.

As I toured this little town it seemed to grow larger and larger. It is home to Concordia University which houses an elaborate mineral-rock exhibit in the basement. The Civic Center displays beautiful art by Thomas Berger Johnson. This excursion led to the two local banks with additional works from the artist, Reinhold Marxhausen who is known for sculpture, painting, and object art. I actually was able to hold, listen, and see prototypes of his Stardust sound sculptures! These are palm-sized objects made to look like rocks but with wires inside that create a symphony of sound.

The two weeks I was in this town I could feel a slow crescendo building that let me know that something big was going to happen. Everyone asked, "You're staying for the 4th, right?" I must not forget that I did indeed eat at Runza, which was the answer to the second most asked question while I was visiting.


This small town is filled with friendly, smiling people and has one of the best thrift stores. The big event of the 4th finally came around and there was something for everyone: pet parade, pole vaulting, basketball, exhibits, yum yums (sloppy joes), lectures, food contests, and more, not to forget the grand parade in the middle of the day and fireworks that night. The schedule was printed in fine print on a poster. So, if you didn't get to see or do it this year, you have to come back so you get to do it next year. I guess that's what I'll have to do.

My Casita, my Tara performed outstandingly. I like ending the day and entering my little home away from home. Life is good. Wow! I drove 5701.4 miles! But who's counting.

Monday, June 20, 2016


Breaking bread is always representative of what friends and family do together. This sharing of sustenance that keeps us alive, keeps us going, and binds us together to make us family is a long-time tradition.
When I arrived in Michigan, my family welcomed me with warm hugs, love, and food. There I spent nearly

Friday, June 3, 2016

Ontology and Wishful Thinking

You won't believe the number of conversations started by the name in vinyl letters, on the back end and side of my trailer "Ontological Research." This signage even got me out

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Travel destination and projects

This will be my 3rd Casita/Fiberglass trailer rally this year: Eggs at Egg Harbor starting on June 8th and going through the weekend. I made my reservation back on February 9th while at The Quartzsite Fiberglass rally. I'm not only getting closer to the date but to the ultimate destination. I thought, 'Why go that distance and

Monday, May 16, 2016

Plans written in sand

Yes, I know, it's Monday, May 16th. "The art of travel is to be able to deviate from one's plans," a quote from the movie, The Art of Travel plays in my head. I sit here, still at home, having taken care of mortar and brick (home) concerns and making sure that the truck and trailer are ready for

Friday, May 6, 2016

Blink! She's gone again!

I'm dusting off the Casita, Tara. Yes, literally, I'm dusting her off after the spring dust and sandstorms swirled around erasing the tracks of my placing her at home. She wants to leave. I want to leave. The dogs want to leave. So leave we will. The arbitrary date is set for

Friday, March 11, 2016

Useless Signs and Cheap, Magical Therapy

While starting out on this trip, I came upon some laugh-out-loud signs. For example, I-10 became quite rough, I mean really rough, it was so rough that...

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Firsts! Shocks, Shower Hepvo kit, Alternative Backup Camera

This is my first post on my new blog!

So this is the year of firsts! I am on my own for the first time in over 41 years. I feel that I now need my own traveling blog to assist me psychologically, to heal, and to move on while I'm rolling those wheels down the road pulling my precious Casita, Tara. By the time the 2016 Fiberglass Rally came around to being front and center in the calendar, I had taken...