Friday, March 11, 2016

Useless Signs and Cheap, Magical Therapy

While starting out on this trip, I came upon some laugh-out-loud signs. For example, I-10 became quite rough, I mean really rough, it was so rough that...
my new Garmin VivoActive was recording steps. After about 5 miles of this rough road, I see a sign that says, 'ROUGH ROAD.' No joke was my reaction. What kind of person really needs a sign that tells them they're on a rough road? I can understand a sign that says 'ROUGH ROAD AHEAD' before you actually get to the rough road. That way you can brace yourself (I guess). 
Did I really need that sign? I don't think so. After the rough road, the road maintenance grooved the road to begin repairs. Once again, after about 10 miles of this, I see a sign that says, 'GROOVED PAVEMENT AHEAD.' What about the grooved pavement I just drove over?

I didn't see it on this trip, but I've seen it other times:

  • Watch for falling rock--what are you going to do? Watch the rock hit you? Swerve out of your lane to avoid the rock and hit other cars?
  • Watch for low flying aircraft--again, what are you going to do?

If anyone has any other useless signs they've seen, I'd like to hear them.

I find that writing for a travel blog is actually difficult while I'm traveling because partly that is when I'm having fun. But it's more than that. It's difficult to capture that magical experience with mere written words. It's difficult to capture the strength that I've acquired during each of the past five solo trips. I seem to have to let the magic massage my fingers before the story can be told. For Quartzsite, it was getting out of my safety zone, coming into my own, using my very own personality to interact with people with whom I did not know, to sing, to finally say out loud, "Life is good." This adage is one I've always felt an affinity. But, I hadn't said for about 5 months until I was on my way back from this 2016 Fiberglass Rally.

This fifth trip: South Llano River State Park Casita Informal Rally hosted by Beth Cooper and Jim Parra. I am not known to drive on the most direct route to anywhere. Where would the adventure be in that? So it was, the beginning of this trip where I drove two hours beyond. Wouldn't you drive a couple more hours to have great conversation and soak in a Jacuzzi? I did.

Then at the rally, I soon realize it's not just for Casitas but for R-Pods also. Small trailers, you just gotta love them. Compact, fuel efficient, complete with all the
necessities. There were a few Class A RVs along with some huge fifth-wheel trailers. I wonder what they thought when the campground was taken over by the small.

Once again, like that of Quartzsite, I walked away from my safety zone toward smiling people excited for the weekend ahead, food to be shared, and admire each other for their choices in travel trailers.
Judy, of the Texas Outdoor Women's Network, Austin Chapter announces that there will be a kayak outing the next day. I hesitate within my being. Tandem kayaking is what I know until now...remember I used to be Kamala and Charley? Now I'm just Kamala. No, let me restate that. I'm Kamala. I can kayak. I hear myself asking about kayak rentals, then I'm in. 

I'm a newbie, but not a newbie to kayaking. So I find that I'm giving experiential qualifications for this little 10-mile trip. I see that the other kayakers are protective of me at first--watching how I'm handling this new-to-me Old Town kayak. It fits. It feels good. It feels right. I handle the little rapids fine and soon, I'm no longer being judged. I'm one of the group as we float along. 

Mumford and Sons' 'Awake my Soul' play in my head as I listen to the springtime song of birds, paddle along on this little glistening, turquoise river running down this rocky miniature canyon enjoying the warm spring sunshine and all its glory.

Sunday, many of the poor souls who still work began their trek back to their part of civilization while I take Odin and Cassie on an early morning hike around this jewel of a state park. 

On Monday, I head to Abilene to visit with friends of "The
Gathering of Circles." There, I am further strengthened with friendship and bonds beyond words at Cassy's Multicultural Healing Centre. I am strong. I am able. As in Gnarls Barkley's song, "I'm Going On."

All of this is cheap, magical therapy with adventure included. Life is good!

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